Advanced Spine & Rehab

Opioid Dependence Treatment

Our Services

Opioid Dependence Treatment

Opioid addiction is more common than you think, and one of the most important things to remember is that you are not alone. If you have been struggling with an opioid dependency, whether that be for prescription painkillers, heroin or other opioids, Advanced Spine & Rehab, P.C. offers opioid dependence treatment in Mesa, Arizona.

Help is readily available through our office, and we are happy to connect you with helplines, provide you with encouragement and educational material, and offer prescription medication for patients who need it. Our medical providers offer buprenorphine, SUBUTEX, ZUBSOLV® and BUNAVAIL as opioid dependance treatment options, and our medical office also utilizes a prescription medicine treatment called SUBOXONE® (buprenorphine and naloxone) Sublingual Film (CIII).

SUBOXONE is used in correlation with a comprehensive treatment plan. The medication itself is designed to prevent the symptoms of opioid abuse, such as withdrawal or cravings, as you recover and go through detoxification. This treatment does not require daily or weekly visits to our office and is a good alternative to other prescription medications for opioid dependence.

If you have been struggling with opioid dependence, call 480-892-1122 to receive the help you need and schedule a visit with our doctors, Dr. Stanley Miller, MD, or Annette Lopez, FNP-C.

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