Advanced Spine & Rehab

Exploring the Risks of Blood Transfusions Following a Car Accident

If you are involved in a car accident, it is possible that you may need to undergo a blood transfusion. This potentially life-saving procedure helps to replace blood that was lost as the result of your injury. While blood transfusions typically occur without complications, there are a few complications that may result from this procedure. For example, you may experience an allergic reaction, resulting in hives, itching or a fever. It is also possible to develop a bloodborne infection, such as hepatitis B or C as well as HIV, though these complications are rare due to the extensive screening that takes place when blood is donated. Other potential reactions to a blood infusion include:

  • Acute immune hemolytic reaction: occurs when the immune system attacks the blood that you received because your blood type is not a good match. In this case, the attacked cells will release a substance into your blood stream that harms your kidneys.
  • Delayed hemolytic reaction: occurs when the immune system attacks the blood that you received because your blood type is not a good match, but occurs more slowly than acute immune hemolytic reaction. It generally takes anywhere one to four weeks for the decrease in red blood cell levels to be noticed.
  • Graft-versus-host disease: occurs when white blood cells attack bone marrow. This condition generally only occurs to people with a severely weakened immune system, such as in those who are being treated for lymphoma or leukemia. This condition is usually fatal.

To learn more about blood transfusions or to otherwise get the care that you need following a car accident, contact Advanced Spine & Rehab today!

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